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Useful maintenance reports


We have some audit requirements from external agencies. In addition my manager wants a regular report showing how our maintenance team is doing. So I need to show proof that the PM’s had been done and that we have fixed problems in a timely manner. How can I do this?


How reports from FastMaint can help

There are a variety of useful maintenance reports in FastMaint. Most reports use a report template. You can create new report templates or modify existing ones to create customized reports. In the scenario above the Statistics Report would be good to share with your manager. The Equipment History Report would be useful to show what work has been done on specific equipment for auditing purposes.

1. Statistics Report

Available on the main screen or home page under Statistics. This is a one-page report that you can print for your manager (Print button at the top left). This compares important maintenance metrics over three successive 90-day periods (the period size can be changed in Settings or System Configuration, on the Main tab). This way you can see if some metrics are getting worse or better. You can click on the hyperlinks in the report to see more detailed information. For example click on total equipment downtime to see a report of all downtime by equipment, click on the number of pending work orders to see the actual pending work orders and so on.

2. Work Order Analysis Report

Available under the “Reports” menu, “Maintenance” sub-menu. This report helps compare preventive, unplanned and other (miscellaneous) maintenance work orders over a period of time. Use it to identify trends (such as too much variance from estimated work duration, frequent unplanned maintenance, etc.) and other issues that may need to be fixed in the maintenance plan.

3. Equipment Maintenance Calendar

Available under the “Reports” menu, “Maintenance” sub-menu. This report gives you an overview of maintenance work due by week on different equipment over a twelve-month period. This can be very useful for planning and identifying machine downtime periods.

4. Work Order History

Available under the “Reports” menu, “Maintenance” sub-menu. This report allows you to review past and future work orders.

5. Planning Report

Available under the “Reports” menu, “Maintenance” sub-menu. Use this report to actually generate and print work orders as needed. It will allow you to modify work orders prior to printing as well as calculate part and person availability. Depending on the report templates you choose you can print out work orders in tabular format, detailed format, etc.

6. Equipment Details Report

Available under the “Reports” menu, “Equipment” sub-menu. This report allows you to list all equipment in your system as well as the tasks, parts, etc. associated with them.

7. Equipment History Report

Available under the “Reports” menu, “Equipment” sub-menu. This report allows you to compare work order costs and duration by equipment over a specified period. Use the “Part Of” option in the report to get a detailed work order cost and duration roll-up of an equipment and its sub-equipment.

8. Location History Report

Available under the “Reports” menu, “Locations” sub-menu. This report allows you to compare work order costs and duration by location over a specified period. You can also include work orders by equipment in the location. Use the “Part Of” option in the report to get a detailed work order cost and duration roll-up of an location and its sub-locations.

The above is not a comprehensive list – there are a few more that you may find useful. Have a look at them under the “Reports” menu.


>> How to create custom reports

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