Glossary Of Terms Used For Maintenance Management Programs

Various different terms are used with maintenance management software aka CMMS software which can sometimes be quite confusing! If you are not sure there is a match with your needs see if you can get an online demo / trial or even a CMMS software download . You can then try out the software program and see how it will work for you!

Here are some of the phrases you may see used with FastMaint CMMS:

Note: The name is “FastMaint” not “Fast Maint” (no spaces).

“Building maintenance software” meant to be used for buildings & facilities maintenance. May also provide support for maintenance work request management,

The full name of these type of programs is “computerized maintenance management software” or CMMS software for short!

“Equipment maintenance software” meant to help you handle breakdown and preventive maintenance of equipment.

“Facilities maintenance software” or “facility maintenance software” will handle both equipment & facility maintenance at multiple facilities or single facility. They usually have support for handling maintenance work requests. Software like FastMaint that can handle maintenance work requests by email can be very useful.

“Asset management software” suitable for maintenance of assets like equipment and facilities.

“Fleet maintenance software” or “vehicle maintenance software” used for maintenance of industrial vehicles like forklifts, trucks and so on.

“Hotel maintenance software” is useful if you want to manage maintenance and housekeeping at your hotel, resort or restaurant. You do want a maintenance package like FastMaint that can be used to handle maintenance of both equipment and facilities.

“Machine maintenance software” if you are looking at maintenance on your machine tools & other equipment. Useful if it has facility maintenance features since you may need to schedule maintenance on assembly lines or work stations.

“Maintenance system software” will also be targeted at maintenance management.

“Maintenance tracking software” good for tracking maintenance work orders.

“Plant maintenance software” suitable for industrial manufacturing plants.

“Preventative maintenance software programs” or even “preventive maintenance software” for planned maintenance or scheduled maintenance of equipment.

“Property maintenance software” suitable for maintenance of facilities & buildings.

“Restaurant maintenance software” for corrective and planned maintenance of hospitality facilities.

“Sanitation scheduling software” suitable to schedule maintenance, cleaning and hygiene jobs at food and drug manufacturing plants.

“Maintenance work order software” is another name sometimes used for asset management software used for corrective and preventive maintenance scheduling programs.

Compare FastMaint with other CMMS software:

FastMaint is a good alternative for customers looking for easy to setup & use maintenance management software for their equipment & facilities.

As an alternative to eMaint.

As an alternative to Fracttal One.

As an alternative to MPulse.

As an alternative to Fiix.

As an alternative to Limble.

As an alternative to Upkeep.


Need help selecting the right CMMS software for your company, and not sure where to start?

Free CMMS Software Selection Guide