CMMS Benefits & CMMS ROI Calculator (Return On Investment)

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ROI CalculatorWhat is this calculator for?

It is estimated that Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) can help organizations save between 5-15% of their maintenance budgets. Use this simple calculator to get an estimate of how much a maintenance software program could save you. With these savings you will be in a better position to get your return on investment based on the software costs.

How is this calculation done?

See “CMMS Benefits & Return On Investment Case Study” for a detailed example.

Savings & Return On Investment With CMMS Software

Calculate your savings if you use maintenance software

Please enter the six items below. You may skip items you are not sure of. But even approximate values are good. The more information you can provide the better will be the estimates!

Compare these savings to your CMMS software purchase & usage costs to get an idea of your ROI. Note that your actual savings may be very different based on your situation.

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